- Industrial Study Guides

Click to enlargeStudy Guide & Practice Test for the ISCET Journeyman Industrial Electronics Certification
By Daniel L. Metzger, CET. This Study Guide/Practice Test is designed to demonstrate the level of knowledge needed, to help you determine your strengths and weaknesses, and to make you more at ease when sitting for the ISCET Industrial Electronics Certification Exam. It features a discussion of areas that you might encounter in an ISCET Industrial Electronics Certification Exam, a 25-question, multiple-choice, practice test which is weighted similarly to the real test, an in-depth discussion of each practice question, an answer key, and a self-appraisal table with suggestions, based upon your score, for your consideration. The areas covered in this study guide are Industrial Workplace, Components and Transducers, Power-Control Devices and Motors, Analog Circuits and Controls, Computer and Programmable-Logic Controllers, Power Supplies; DC and AC, and Circuit Analysis and Troubleshooting. In the Certification Test there might also be a few questions about basic hydraulic or pneumatic components that are not covered in this SG/PT. It shall be assumed that you already possess a sound knowledge of Electronic Principles. Many of the questions in both this Practice Test and the Industrial Journeyman Exam will call upon this knowledge.
