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by Del Whiteman M.Ed. CET/CSM/MST, CA, A+, A++, N+ & Ed Clingman
Tutorial guide for CSR Exam. The Customer Service Representative (CSR) certification was developed by NESDA to provide a means to verify the knowledge needed to provide the best possible customer service experience for an professional electronics service business. CSR certification is also a requirement of the CESC (Certified Electronics Service Center) program.
The Customer Service Representative Certification prepares an individual to work as a professional CSR and to take the CSR certification exam. The printed color tutorial guide covers different kinds of CSRs; customer value proposition (CVP), key performance indicators (KPI), goals, interpersonal skills, levels of communication, telephone dos and don'ts, the support environment, attire, voice, attitude, expression and mannerisms, what you say and how you say it, listening, observation, asking questions, feedback, escalation, conflict resolution, ethical behavior and conduct, legal responsibilities (warranties, contracts, liabilities, documentation), attendance, job performance, field service, customer or client problems, internal company problems.
Color, 68 pages.
 | Customer Service Representative (CSR) Study Guide
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